
Joyeux Noel (Under the Christmas Spell) - Tony Turner SOCAN

It was the war to end all wars; it was dawn on Christmas day
I was somewhere in the north of France with home so far away
Out on patrol in the icy cold when I spied him up ahead
I fixed my gun on that dreaded hun ready to kill him dead

I don’t know what came over me but no trigger could I squeeze
For he turned and lit a cigarette and offered it to me
We stood there in the silence and my heart began to stir
And this man, my sworn enemy, offered these few words

Joyeux Noel, Joyeux Noel
Merry Christmas mon ami, this war can go to hell
No pull the pin, no bayonet, no bullet, and no mortar shell
No deadly toys, for this soldier boy
Under the Christmas spell

Now I know none of the German tongue and he knew none of mine
So he broke into Au Tannenbaum, then I sang Old Lang Syne
We shared the sum my rationed rum and then we said goodbye
In the language of the people whose land we occupied

Joyeux Noel, Joyeux Noel
Merry Christmas mon ami, this war can go to hell
No pull the pin, no bayonet, no bullet, and no mortar shell
No deadly toys, for two soldier boys
Under the Christmas spell

Though many years have come and gone but I still think of that time
Out of the trench speaking broken French with that soldier friend of mine
I hope that he, just like me, survived that brutal fray
Why can’t we all just live in peace like it was Christmas day?

Joyeux Noel, Joyeux Noel
Merry Christmas tout le monde, all war can go to hell
No pull the pin, no bombing raid, no bullet, and no mortar shell
Just the family of humanity
Under the Christmas spell

Joyeux Noel, Joyeux Noel
Merry Christmas tout le monde, all war can go to hell
No pull the pin, no suicide vest, no bullet, and no mortar shell
Just the family of humanity
Under the Christmas spell

Just the family of humanity
Under the Christmas spell